Your Donations at Work: Chance
Photo Credit: Tina Swain
Boy, do we love good news.
Chance, our favorite goofball puppy from the Railroad Drive shelter, came up lame a week ago. We have cared for him, along with his litter mates, since he was born out at the camps along the river. When his person asked us for help, and our vet recommended radiographs, we feared a serious and expensive problem.
Rather than cut any corners, we treated Chance as we would any of our own beloved pets.
Our team of volunteers brought him, with Matthew, his person, to see the surgeon at Vista Veterinary Specialists, and covered the costs of the exam and radiographs.
Chance was given a diagnosis of panosteitis, an inflammatory disorder of growing bones. With pain control, the tincture of time, and rest, his growing pains should resolve without any residual problems. $350 is not too much to pay for this kind of peace of mind.
Thank you to all of our donors and volunteers, who make this work possible.
Charming his veterinary nurse at Vista Veterinary Specialists.