Your Donations at Work: Cali
Photo: Ken Raif
How do you tell a child that her best friend was unlucky at birth, and given a heart with a big hole in it?
How do you tell a puppy that she can’t play, because her heart just might give out in the blink of an eye?
How do you tell a single mom of two, who has rescued countless abused puppies and dogs from the community: “No, your own puppy will die in the next month because you don’t have the $4,000 to pay for surgery”?
We don’t.
We make what seemed impossible happen. We enlist the best veterinary cardiology and surgery teams to repair the birth defect, and give this family a chance to grow up together.
Help us mend these broken hearts.
Surgery is scheduled on Thursday March 8 at Vista Veterinary Specialists .
Photo: Ken Raif
Photo: Ken Raif