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Midtown Clinic for Pets of the Homeless

  • Outside the X Street Navigation Shelter 2970 X Street Sacramento, CA, 95817 United States (map)

The Midtown Clinic serves pet owners experiencing homelessness.

This clinic is held in cooperation with the X Street Navigation Center, SHRA and VOA.

Both dogs and cats are welcome to the Midtown Clinic.

Puppies and unvaccinated dogs under 1 year of age should be kept off the ground, either carried or in crates or boxes.  

All cats and kittens must be in individual carriers. 

Vaccines, flea/tick prevention, dewormer and heartworm prevention, care for medical problems, sign-up for free spay/neuter surgery, pet food, collars, leashes, harnesses, and pet jackets.

All services are free. Please respect our limited resources and capacity. The level of care we can provide depends upon available resources, and is subject to change without notice. We may decline service to those not meeting our criteria for participation.

Patients are seen on a first come, first served basis, with exceptions made at the discretion of the medical staff in accordance with patients’ needs. No pre-registration or appointments needed.

Our protocols for the handling of pets at our clinics are intended to keep pets, clients, and volunteers safe and anxiety free.  Compliance with our rules and with the special requests of our volunteer staff is required for participation in our clinics.

Earlier Event: June 17
River Clinic for Pets of the Homeless
Later Event: July 15
Cancelled Due to Heat