Special FREE clinic for puppies 6 weeks to one year old only.
Parvo is deadly… . and it’s everywhere. The DAPP vaccine will prevent it from taking your puppy’s life.
You can prevent parvo by:
Keeping your puppies off the ground outside until they are 4 months of age.
Starting their DAPP vaccines at 8 weeks of age.
Getting your puppy a DAPP vaccine every 2-4 weeks.
Getting the last DAPP vaccine NO YOUNGER than 4 months of age.
Puppies should have adult teeth in front before they get their last DAPP booster to be insured of a full immune response to the DAPP vaccine.
This special summer clinic will provide:
DAPP and Rabies vaccines;
Flea prevention, deworming, heartworm prevention;
Collars and ID tags;
Dog food.
No extended vet care will be available at this clinic.
No pre-registration needed. First come, first served.
Puppies MUST BE KEPT OFF THE GROUND. Please carry them, or have them in well ventilated carriers.
This clinic is intended to serve the low income and indigent pet owners in our community who have no other access to veterinary medical care. We may decline to serve pets due to the limitations of our resources. We appreciate your respect for our efforts to support the most underserved pet owners in the community.